Wednesday, May 17, 2006

my bluetooth library perspective


just finished an article about bluetooth programming on .net compact framework for spanish magazine (dotNetMania) [it would be published between July-September of current year], I developed a basic bluetooth library. I focused it to be easier development. The started class is called BthSesion. This one, allows to begin using bluetooth radio and all profiles. See this example...

BthSesion ses = new BthSesion(true);

this simple line allow to initialize bluetooth radio, sockets (by using BthSocket), detect all paired devices, and by passing true by parameter, this class also has discovered all the closer bluetooth devices. If the radio was off, then it should switch it to on.

once ses variable is set, I have information about bluetooth radio like manufacturer, bluetooth specification version, profiles availables and more;

this.txtInfo.Text = ses.MiRadio.ToString();

the devices paired and devices discovered are stored each one at ICollections class called BthDispositivosLista (BthDevicesList). This class has a collection of BthDispositivo (BthDevice) classes. I will explain it in detail the next day.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

faq's sites

Here, a faq's sites collection. Enjoy it!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

ClassOfDevice discussion

I've just meet Peter Foot's site forum, a very interesting discussion about ClassOfDevice stats. Most of this information could be downloaded from Bluetooth SIG web site, but here you can find the most interesting items.

enjoy it!